Friday, February 14, 2020

Accounting Career Problem Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Accounting Career Problem - Research Paper Example However, the thing is that having a career in accounting does not only come with advantages. The career also has some challenges. One of the most common challenges faced by accountants in their careers is the challenge of coping with pressure from organizations’ management to create balance sheets and financial statements that can cope with the current high rate of competition in various industries and anger for success. This paper aims at discussing pressure from management as a challenge commonly faced by accountants. Being an accountant, there are always many ethical issues that are always surrounding everything that you do. Many business managers are usually willing to do anything so that they might emerge as successful. As a result, there are always some stress and pressure that is placed on accountings when it comes to their responsibilities of creation of financial statements and balance sheets. Accountants are always expected to give a true and clear report on an organization’s profit, liabilities and assets. It is always a challenge in making sure that that record on a company’s profit, assets, and liabilities even in situations that the true records might not be very good in terms of the success of the business organization (Woolf & Hindson, 2013). The situation is always further amplified if the mangers involved insist that the records should be altered so that they can serve the interests of the business organization. In such a situation an accountant will find themselves having the dilemma to choose between following the ethical standards expected of them as accountants and altering the records in order to please their employers. If they choose to alter the records they might end up losing their credibility if in any case it is realized that they had involved in unethical conducts. On the other side if they decide to go against the will of the managers and deal with the right

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Matrix for diverse learners Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Matrix for diverse learners - Essay Example 1. Childrens USA Wall Map (Available at This well designed map combines geography with state by state information in both pictures and words. What is best about its design is that some pictures may be familiar to the student and some may not. This prompts the children to ask questions of each other and the teacher or parent about them. All of the items are numbered so that you can look up the unfamiliar objects and then go to other resources to find out even more information. For instance if you look towards Memphis you see some strange man with big hair and a red suit singing into a microphone, when you look him up you are introduced to Elvis Presley. All the pictures are cartoon-like and humorous to attract more interest and attention, also adding to the creative nature of the map. The map is best for Early Childhood, as it is informative and entertaining, hearing impaired since it is completely visual, and gifted as it is full of knowledge presented in a very creative fashion. The pictorial representations are also appropriate for the multicultural student. The only flaw that keeps it from being useful in all categories is that it is rather crowded with information and may seem daunting to the learning disabled and certainly to the limited sight children who would surely have difficulty discerning the smaller features. It also may by too busy and distracting for those with Behavior Challenges like Attention Deficit Disorder and the like. There may be too many follow up questions asked to make it a worthwhile map for those children. In fact this company also produces a World Map that is even more crowded and condensed and would be even more inappropriate for these three categories. 2. Eyewitness Dinosaur (Produced by Dorling Kindersley / DK 1997): This Video has cross applicability to all of the seven categories. It describes in simple language, narrated by Martin